Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Action 002

What band, dead or alive, would score and play the soundtrack to your life?


  1. The soundtrack to my life is played by Faith No More. There are good times and bad times - but always a funky beat throughout that will keep you movin' and groovin'!

  2. i guess my answer would change at every age... like the 3 year old version of me would definitely pick The Bangles.
    These days... Ryan Adams or Patty Griffin.
    apparently i have issues with making decisions.

  3. this is a tough one. It's a toss-up between Squarepusher and Captain Beefheart.

  4. Tom Waits, for sure. He has a song for every occasion...or non-occasion, as the case might be.

  5. Led Zepplin crossed with Air and a little bit of Snoop Dogg sprinkled on top.

  6. It's gotta be Swedish faves The Soundtrack of Our Lives, right? Plus Poison's "Look What the Cat Dragged In" for special occasions.

  7. Thus far, the Shins.

    But how I wish my life was of the sort that it could be captured in a Cat Stevens song.

  8. my life is defined by circus music. fun.

  9. the traveling wilburys. just because i really want the credits of the movie of my life to have "At the End of the Line" playing in the background.

  10. Mine is definetly going to be Radiohead- they would be all depressing sounding, but really so much is going on behind the scenes.

  11. Mine would be Charles b/c I write all the lyrics based on my moods ... I'd have to throw in some Bright Eyes and Modest Mouse b/c I love them and then I would mix in some nursery rhyme re-mixes... with string and horn sections... Yep

  12. Lucinda Williams. Sometimes, she just sounds downright pathetic and heartbroken. But her career is also peppered with raspy, beautifully imperfect love songs. And her voice makes my knees a little weak.

  13. Gary Glitter + the Glitter Band for the early part, Pulp for the middle bit. Still waiting to see what the end bit brings.

  14. I think the soudtrack to my life would be quite an ecclectic mixture, arabic, latino, little 90's gangster rap, french jazz, little bright eyes...stuff like that some buddist mantra's you know oh yeah also that guy whats his name gustavo something who does all the movies that are nominated for oscars defn he would want to be involved in the project.

  15. Van Morrison -- the pop stuff is great, but Astral Weeks kills me still. If I had to pick a band that was totally instrumental. I mean if my life was a movie it would work better that way I would put half my life as Miles Davis' Kind of Blue I am going to have to wait to see how the rest of my life turns out to add music to.

  16. Harold Budd & Bruce Hornsby basically.

  17. Mark Mothersbaugh...does that count? i'd definitely hold him responsible for creating a purchase worthy soundtrack...

  18. I pick Soulwax/2 Many DJs just so I can have a soundtrack and a score. And dance.

  19. Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band.
